Thursday, January 20, 2011

The project meets the audience…

The week in Florence ended with a postgraduate symposium held at the Monash University in Prato where I presented my research to a small audience.  The talk was very short but I had enough time to give a general  introduction on my project, outlining its aims and the research methodology.

The feedback was so positive! It was really interesting to get comments and suggestions from the audience (just like it is happening with this blog. A ‘thank you!’ to all the people that have emailed me over the past few months, every single contribution has been really precious). One question addressed to me after the presentation was on the connection Vespucci - religious sphere.  This question reinforced my idea (see previous post) of engaging with research about the family and the Florentine religious orders. Several hints in fact seem to be leading in this direction: the Umiliati active in Ognissanti; family members who were priests themselves; relation of some of the Vespucci with the Dominican order in Florence. Would this be useful to put into context the family patronage? Can't say more than a simple, and perhaps banal, maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Irene,

    Hello there! I did say that I would manage to comment on your blog, but as per usual it took me a long time. I can currently see you squinting and looking confused as to just who this is though. We met at the Prato symposium - I am Anne, one of the Monash students who attended. My thesis is on Dominican type things. Apparently this lets me use my own blog name (not very interesting, and not all academic) to log in, which makes a change.

    Anyway, I am going to go back to reading through your blog and then to reading through some rather long and small fonted Latin.

